Natalie Robinson
Boulder, CO
Boulder, CO
PhD. University of Colorado, Boulder. Advisors: M. Deane Bowers, Robert Guralnick 2013
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
M.A. University of Colorado, Boulder. Advisor: M. Deane Bowers 2009
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
B.S. University of California, Berkeley.
Major: Molecular Environmental Biology 2003
Continuing Education and Certifications
Epic React 2022
Udemy - Machine Learning A-Z (partially completed) 2020
Compass Science Communications Workshop 2017
Software/Data Carpentry Certified Instructor 2014
Bayesian Modeling for Practicing Ecologists 2014
Data Engineering, Management, Visualization Python, R, Javascript, React Ecological Modeling
Bayesian & Frequentist Statistical Analysis Git/Github Community Ecology
Mobile Application Development Markdown, SQL, HTML Scientific Writing
GIS Modeling & Analyses Google Storage, BigQuery Spatial Ecology
FLINTpro 2023-present
Biodiversity Lead and Data Scientist
Lead of the global biodiversity assessment tool. Developed model and performed data selection, processing, integration
and analytics (Python; Google Storage, BigQuery). Developed documentation, reports for customers, and visualization
dashboards (Dash, Looker).
Data science and reporting support for:
Soil carbon data acquisition and analysis of atmospheric, soil organic matter, above- and below ground, and dead
organic matter flux/gain/loss (Python)
Data upload to PostgreSQL from CSV (Go)
Data processing, visualization, and validation for statistical Land Use Change emissions (Python)
Earthshot Labs 2022-2023
Data Engineer
Fullstack engineering: development of backend data processing workflows and automated tests (Python), and
frontend design (React)
Geospatial data processing (Google Earth Engine and Python libraries) and visualization
Development and maintenance of NoSQL databases (MongoDB)
Support of cross-team data engineering efforts - database development, data processing workflows, etc. Support
of automated report generation
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) 2014-2022
Data Scientist II & Scientific Software Developer
Development and implementation data QA/QC algorithms and tools for staff use
Development of mobile data collection applications
Assistance with spatial data processing and workflow improvement
Development and implementation of observatory commissioning tests, and report generation
Outreach to scientific community through conference & workshop attendance/teaching
Contribution of lesson materials/coding support to ‘NEON Data Skills’ website
General support to science staff for technical document writing, statistical analyses, data acquisition and management,
development and use of scripting tools (R, Python, Javascript) for various workflows
Understanding the drivers of butterfly diversity patterns and testing model transferability 2009-2013
across global ecosystems
Dissertation research, with M. Deane Bowers and Robert Guralnick
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Graduate Research Assistant: Modeling variables of importance to the distributions of 2011-2013
organisms on a global scale (with NCEAS); integrating global species distributions, remote
sensing and climate data to assess biodiversity response to climate change (with NASA
Climate and Biological Response program), with Robert Guralnick
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Research Data Analyst: Statistical analyses on various research projects, 2010-2012
using R statistical software, with Michael Grant
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Monitoring the effects of habitat type and land-use variables on butterfly communities: 2006-2009
Master’s Research, with M. Deane Bowers
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Graduate Research Assistant: Museum collection reorganization and improvement: insect 2008
teaching collection, with M. Deane Bowers
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Research Assistant: Small mammal disease dynamics and population ecology, with Sharon Collinge 2004
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Lab Assistant II: Amphibian parasite and fungal pathogen ecology, with Cheryl Briggs 2003
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
Lab Assistant II: Gall making insect and parisatoid population ecology, with Cheryl Briggs 2002-2003
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
Field Asssistant II: Invasion dynamics in a California grassland ecosystem, with Jeffrey Corbin 2002
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
The effects of invasive species on insect communities in a California grassland ecosystem. 2002-2003
Undergraduate research with Jeffrey Corbin
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
Li, D., Record, S., Sokol, E., Bitters, M., Chen, M., Chung, A., Helmus, M., Jaimes, R., Jansen, L.,
Jarzyna, M., Just, M., LaMontagne, J., Melbourne, B., Moss, W., Norman, K., Parker, S.,
Robinson, N., Seyednasrollah, B., Smith, C., Spaulding, S., Surasinghe, T., Thomsen, S.,
Zarnetske, P. NEON organismal data for biodiversity research. Ecosphere. 2022, 13(7), e4141.
doi: 10.1002/ecs2.4141
Robinson, N., Barnett, D.T., Jones, K. D., Stanish, L. F., Parker, S. M. Multiple dimensions of
resilience: How NEON supports ecology and community in the face of compounding disasters.
Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022, 10, 144. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.653666
Parmentier, B., McGill, B., Wilson, A., Regetz, J., Jetz, W., Guralnick, R., Tuanmu, M-N., Robinson N.,
Schildhauer, M. An assessment of methods and remote-sensing derived covariates for regional
predictions of 1 km daily maximum air temperature. Remote Sensing. 2014, 6(9), 8639 - 8670.
doi: 10.3390/rs6098639
Robinson N., Kadlec, T., Guralnick, R. P., Bowers, M. D. 2014. Integrating species traits
and habitat characteristics into models of butterfly diversity in a fragmented ecosystem.
Ecological Modelling. 281(10): 15-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.01.022
Robinson N., Regetz, J,. Guralnick, R. P. 2014. EARTHENV-DEM90: A Nearly-global, void-free,
multi-scale smoothed, 90m digital elevation model from fused ASTER AND SRTM data. In
review, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 87(2014): 57-67.
doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2013.11.002
Robinson N., Armstead, S and Bowers, M.D. 2012. Butterfly Community Ecology: The
Influences of Habitat Type, Weather Patterns and Dominant Species in a Temperate
Ecosystem. Entomologia. 145(1)
Basey, J. M., Sackett, L. C., Robinson N. 2008. Optimal Science Lab Design: impacts of various
Components of lab design on students’ attitudes toward lab. International Journal for the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2 (1)
Non Peer-reviewed
Robinson N., Barton, K., Nufio, C., Bowers, M.D. 2010. Laboratory Manual for Insect Biology,
University of Colorado, Boulder.
Robinson N, Armstead S, Bowers MD (2012) Data from: Butterfly community ecology: the
influences of habitat type, weather patterns, and dominant species in a temperate
ecosystem. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.57vh3
Battelle Outstanding Performance Award Sep 2020
Battelle Outstanding Performance Award Apr 2020
InnoCentive Sep 2017
Challenge #9933881- DataApp: A Mobile App Framework for Field Data Capture – Stage 1. $2500
University of Colorado Graduate School Fall 2013
Dissertation Completion Fellowship. $9,879.82
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder Fall 2013
Dissertation Completion Fellowship. $9,879.82
University of Colorado Graduate School May 2012
Travel grant to present research at the 97th Annual Ecological Society of America Meetings. $300
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2012
Understanding the Influence of Habitat Fragmentation on Butterfly Occurrence Patterns: Developing and
Testing Models Across Global Ecosystems. $2000
Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2012
Understanding the Influence of Habitat Fragmentation on Butterfly Occurrence Patterns: Developing and
Testing Models Across Global Ecosystems. $1000
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder May 2010
Species Trait Modeling of Butterflies in Urban Fragments Along the Colorado Front Range: $750
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2009
Species Trait Modeling of Butterflies in Urban Fragments Along the Colorado Front Range: $1500
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2009
Species Trait Modeling of Butterflies in Urban Fragments Along the Colorado Front Range: $1200
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Spring Symposium, University of Colorado, Boulder May 2008
Best Graduate Student Talk
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2008
Long-term Survey of Butterfly Communities on City of Boulder OSMP Land: $840
City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Research Grant May 2007
Long-term Survey of Butterfly Communities on City of Boulder OSMP Land: $6,235
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2007
Long-term Survey of Butterfly Communities on City of Boulder OSMP Land: $750
Robinson Natalie. 2008. (Talk) “Long-term Monitoring of Butterfly Communities around City of Boulder
Open Space and Mountain Parks Land.” Boulder County Audubon Society “Butterfly Night” meeting.
Robinson Natalie. 2011. (Talk) “Butterfly Community Variation in Urban Fragments of the Colorado
Front Range.” City of Louisville, CO Open Space Advisory Board Meeting.
Robinson, Natalie. 2017 (Talk) “Quality is everything: Automated data collection tools to enhance the quality of NEON's 'big data' streams.”
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Robinson, Natalie. 2012. (Talk) “Methods for constructing a high quality 90m Global DEM.” University of
Colorado Brown Bag Series.
Robinson, Natalie. 2012. (Poster) “Understanding community response to habitat fragmentation:
Modeling butterflies across global ecosystems.” Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
F1000 poster:
Robinson Natalie. 2010. (Talk) “The Orange Skipperling (Copaeodes aurantiaca (Hesperiidae)): A New
Record for the Colorado Front Range.” 21st Annual Meeting of the High Country Lepidopterists Society.
Robinson Natalie. 2010. (Talk) “To Be or Not To Be: Using Ecological Modeling to Understand
Butterfly Occurrence Patterns Based on Species Traits and Environmental Variables.” University of
Colorado Museum Award Recipients Lunch-time Presentation Series.
Robinson Natalie. 2009. (Talk) “To Be or Not To Be: Using Ecological Modeling to Understand
Butterfly Occurrence Patterns Based on Species Traits and Environmental Variables.” Guild for the
Rocky Mountain Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists Annual Meeting.
Robinson Natalie. 2008. (Talk) “The Effects of Environmental and Land-use Variables on Butterfly
Communities Across a Temperate Landscape.” University of Colorado Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology Spring Symposium
Robinson Natalie. 2007. (Talk) “City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Butterfly Survey.” 18th
annual High Country Lepidopterists Meeting.
Ecological Society of America Workshop: “Working with Biodiversity Data Summer 2020
Instructor – R for data processing and visualization of NEON
NEON Internship Program 2019 - 2020
Mentor for internship project to build R Shiny applications for various use cases
within the organization. Support of data acquisition from databases and APIs
and reformatting via LaTex for high-quality downloadable csvs and pdfs
Explore NEON Workshop: Virginia Commonwealth University Fall 2019
Instructor – Introduction to NEON, basics of getting and working with NEON data in R
NEON Summer Internship Program Summer 2019
Co-mentor for internship project “A Bug’s Life Changing a Plant’s Life:
Exploring the Relationship Between Gypsy Moths and Deciduous Broadleaf
Trees in Connection to Accumulated Growing Degree Days”. Support of data
analyses and visualizations, report generation, and R Shiny app deployment
Ecological Society of America Workshop: “Access and Work with NEON data Summer 2019
Instructor – R for data getting and processing NEON data
STROBE Science and Technology Center Data Carpentry Workshop Spring 2019
Ecological Society of America Workshop: “Working with Time Series in R using NEON Data” Summer 2017 Instructor – R for data processing and visualization of NEON temperature and plant phenology data
US Geological Survey (USGS) Data Carpentry Workshop Spring 2016
Instructor - R for data processing and visualization
Ecological Society of America “Big Data in R” Workshop Summer 2015
Instructor – R for spatial data processing and visualization of NEON remote sensing data
Software Carpentry Unicamp Workshop Summer 2015
Remote instructor – introduction to R for data processing and visualization
National Data Integrity Conference (NDIC) Data Carpentry Workshop Spring 2015
Instructor - R for data processing and visualization
NEON Summer Internship Program Summer 2014
Co-mentor for internship project “Exploring vascular plant and carabid beetle diversity across three different ecoclimatic
domains using NEON provisional data”. Support of data acquisition, processing, and analysis using R and writing/report generation.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Teaching Assistant
General Biology Lecture TA Spring 2011
Biometry Spring 2010 General Biology Clicker Software Manager Spring 2009
Insect Biology Lab Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010
Evolutionary Biology Lab Fall 2007, Spring 2008
General Biology Lab Fall 2006, Spring 2007
Guest Lectures
Ecology: Climate Impacts on Ecosystems (Co-taught with Liesl Erb) Spring 2011
Insect Biology: Photoreception in Insects Fall 2010
Insect Biology: Chemoreception in Insects Fall 2010
Biometry: Model Fitting Using Akaike’s Information Criteria Spring 2010
Insect Biology: The Bark Beetles Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2011
Evolutionary Biology: Coevolution Spring 2008
Insect Biology: Coevolution Fall 2008
Peer Review
Ecological Indicators Ecological Applications PLOS One
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Colloquium Committee: travel coordinator Fall 2012-Fall 2013
Graduate Student Mentor (tips and advice for first year graduate students) Fall 2010-Fall 2013
Graduate Computer Committee: Co-chair Spring 2012
Evolution Outreach Committee: Event organizer and presenter Spring 2008
Lab rep/activity coordinator: Crestview Elementary field trip to CU Boulder Spring 2012
PhD. University of Colorado, Boulder. Advisors: M. Deane Bowers, Robert Guralnick 2013
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
M.A. University of Colorado, Boulder. Advisor: M. Deane Bowers 2009
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
B.S. University of California, Berkeley.
Major: Molecular Environmental Biology 2003
Continuing Education and Certifications
Epic React 2022
Udemy - Machine Learning A-Z (partially completed) 2020
Compass Science Communications Workshop 2017
Software/Data Carpentry Certified Instructor 2014
Bayesian Modeling for Practicing Ecologists 2014
Data Engineering, Management, Visualization Python, R, Javascript, React Ecological Modeling
Bayesian & Frequentist Statistical Analysis Git/Github Community Ecology
Mobile Application Development Markdown, SQL, HTML Scientific Writing
GIS Modeling & Analyses Google Storage, BigQuery Spatial Ecology
FLINTpro 2023-present
Biodiversity Lead and Data Scientist
Lead of the global biodiversity assessment tool. Developed model and performed data selection, processing, integration
and analytics (Python; Google Storage, BigQuery). Developed documentation, reports for customers, and visualization
dashboards (Dash, Looker).
Data science and reporting support for:
Soil carbon data acquisition and analysis of atmospheric, soil organic matter, above- and below ground, and dead
organic matter flux/gain/loss (Python)
Data upload to PostgreSQL from CSV (Go)
Data processing, visualization, and validation for statistical Land Use Change emissions (Python)
Earthshot Labs 2022-2023
Data Engineer
Fullstack engineering: development of backend data processing workflows and automated tests (Python), and
frontend design (React)
Geospatial data processing (Google Earth Engine and Python libraries) and visualization
Development and maintenance of NoSQL databases (MongoDB)
Support of cross-team data engineering efforts - database development, data processing workflows, etc. Support
of automated report generation
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) 2014-2022
Data Scientist II & Scientific Software Developer
Development and implementation data QA/QC algorithms and tools for staff use
Development of mobile data collection applications
Assistance with spatial data processing and workflow improvement
Development and implementation of observatory commissioning tests, and report generation
Outreach to scientific community through conference & workshop attendance/teaching
Contribution of lesson materials/coding support to ‘NEON Data Skills’ website
General support to science staff for technical document writing, statistical analyses, data acquisition and management,
development and use of scripting tools (R, Python, Javascript) for various workflows
Understanding the drivers of butterfly diversity patterns and testing model transferability 2009-2013
across global ecosystems
Dissertation research, with M. Deane Bowers and Robert Guralnick
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Graduate Research Assistant: Modeling variables of importance to the distributions of 2011-2013
organisms on a global scale (with NCEAS); integrating global species distributions, remote
sensing and climate data to assess biodiversity response to climate change (with NASA
Climate and Biological Response program), with Robert Guralnick
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Research Data Analyst: Statistical analyses on various research projects, 2010-2012
using R statistical software, with Michael Grant
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Monitoring the effects of habitat type and land-use variables on butterfly communities: 2006-2009
Master’s Research, with M. Deane Bowers
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Graduate Research Assistant: Museum collection reorganization and improvement: insect 2008
teaching collection, with M. Deane Bowers
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Research Assistant: Small mammal disease dynamics and population ecology, with Sharon Collinge 2004
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Lab Assistant II: Amphibian parasite and fungal pathogen ecology, with Cheryl Briggs 2003
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
Lab Assistant II: Gall making insect and parisatoid population ecology, with Cheryl Briggs 2002-2003
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
Field Asssistant II: Invasion dynamics in a California grassland ecosystem, with Jeffrey Corbin 2002
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
The effects of invasive species on insect communities in a California grassland ecosystem. 2002-2003
Undergraduate research with Jeffrey Corbin
Department of Integrative Biology; University of California, Berkeley
Li, D., Record, S., Sokol, E., Bitters, M., Chen, M., Chung, A., Helmus, M., Jaimes, R., Jansen, L.,
Jarzyna, M., Just, M., LaMontagne, J., Melbourne, B., Moss, W., Norman, K., Parker, S.,
Robinson, N., Seyednasrollah, B., Smith, C., Spaulding, S., Surasinghe, T., Thomsen, S.,
Zarnetske, P. NEON organismal data for biodiversity research. Ecosphere. 2022, 13(7), e4141.
doi: 10.1002/ecs2.4141
Robinson, N., Barnett, D.T., Jones, K. D., Stanish, L. F., Parker, S. M. Multiple dimensions of
resilience: How NEON supports ecology and community in the face of compounding disasters.
Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022, 10, 144. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.653666
Parmentier, B., McGill, B., Wilson, A., Regetz, J., Jetz, W., Guralnick, R., Tuanmu, M-N., Robinson N.,
Schildhauer, M. An assessment of methods and remote-sensing derived covariates for regional
predictions of 1 km daily maximum air temperature. Remote Sensing. 2014, 6(9), 8639 - 8670.
doi: 10.3390/rs6098639
Robinson N., Kadlec, T., Guralnick, R. P., Bowers, M. D. 2014. Integrating species traits
and habitat characteristics into models of butterfly diversity in a fragmented ecosystem.
Ecological Modelling. 281(10): 15-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.01.022
Robinson N., Regetz, J,. Guralnick, R. P. 2014. EARTHENV-DEM90: A Nearly-global, void-free,
multi-scale smoothed, 90m digital elevation model from fused ASTER AND SRTM data. In
review, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 87(2014): 57-67.
doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2013.11.002
Robinson N., Armstead, S and Bowers, M.D. 2012. Butterfly Community Ecology: The
Influences of Habitat Type, Weather Patterns and Dominant Species in a Temperate
Ecosystem. Entomologia. 145(1)
Basey, J. M., Sackett, L. C., Robinson N. 2008. Optimal Science Lab Design: impacts of various
Components of lab design on students’ attitudes toward lab. International Journal for the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2 (1)
Non Peer-reviewed
Robinson N., Barton, K., Nufio, C., Bowers, M.D. 2010. Laboratory Manual for Insect Biology,
University of Colorado, Boulder.
Robinson N, Armstead S, Bowers MD (2012) Data from: Butterfly community ecology: the
influences of habitat type, weather patterns, and dominant species in a temperate
ecosystem. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.57vh3
Battelle Outstanding Performance Award Sep 2020
Battelle Outstanding Performance Award Apr 2020
InnoCentive Sep 2017
Challenge #9933881- DataApp: A Mobile App Framework for Field Data Capture – Stage 1. $2500
University of Colorado Graduate School Fall 2013
Dissertation Completion Fellowship. $9,879.82
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder Fall 2013
Dissertation Completion Fellowship. $9,879.82
University of Colorado Graduate School May 2012
Travel grant to present research at the 97th Annual Ecological Society of America Meetings. $300
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2012
Understanding the Influence of Habitat Fragmentation on Butterfly Occurrence Patterns: Developing and
Testing Models Across Global Ecosystems. $2000
Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2012
Understanding the Influence of Habitat Fragmentation on Butterfly Occurrence Patterns: Developing and
Testing Models Across Global Ecosystems. $1000
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder May 2010
Species Trait Modeling of Butterflies in Urban Fragments Along the Colorado Front Range: $750
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2009
Species Trait Modeling of Butterflies in Urban Fragments Along the Colorado Front Range: $1500
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2009
Species Trait Modeling of Butterflies in Urban Fragments Along the Colorado Front Range: $1200
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Spring Symposium, University of Colorado, Boulder May 2008
Best Graduate Student Talk
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2008
Long-term Survey of Butterfly Communities on City of Boulder OSMP Land: $840
City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Research Grant May 2007
Long-term Survey of Butterfly Communities on City of Boulder OSMP Land: $6,235
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departmental Grant, University of Colorado, Boulder April 2007
Long-term Survey of Butterfly Communities on City of Boulder OSMP Land: $750
Robinson Natalie. 2008. (Talk) “Long-term Monitoring of Butterfly Communities around City of Boulder
Open Space and Mountain Parks Land.” Boulder County Audubon Society “Butterfly Night” meeting.
Robinson Natalie. 2011. (Talk) “Butterfly Community Variation in Urban Fragments of the Colorado
Front Range.” City of Louisville, CO Open Space Advisory Board Meeting.
Robinson, Natalie. 2017 (Talk) “Quality is everything: Automated data collection tools to enhance the quality of NEON's 'big data' streams.”
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Robinson, Natalie. 2012. (Talk) “Methods for constructing a high quality 90m Global DEM.” University of
Colorado Brown Bag Series.
Robinson, Natalie. 2012. (Poster) “Understanding community response to habitat fragmentation:
Modeling butterflies across global ecosystems.” Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
F1000 poster:
Robinson Natalie. 2010. (Talk) “The Orange Skipperling (Copaeodes aurantiaca (Hesperiidae)): A New
Record for the Colorado Front Range.” 21st Annual Meeting of the High Country Lepidopterists Society.
Robinson Natalie. 2010. (Talk) “To Be or Not To Be: Using Ecological Modeling to Understand
Butterfly Occurrence Patterns Based on Species Traits and Environmental Variables.” University of
Colorado Museum Award Recipients Lunch-time Presentation Series.
Robinson Natalie. 2009. (Talk) “To Be or Not To Be: Using Ecological Modeling to Understand
Butterfly Occurrence Patterns Based on Species Traits and Environmental Variables.” Guild for the
Rocky Mountain Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists Annual Meeting.
Robinson Natalie. 2008. (Talk) “The Effects of Environmental and Land-use Variables on Butterfly
Communities Across a Temperate Landscape.” University of Colorado Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology Spring Symposium
Robinson Natalie. 2007. (Talk) “City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Butterfly Survey.” 18th
annual High Country Lepidopterists Meeting.
Ecological Society of America Workshop: “Working with Biodiversity Data Summer 2020
Instructor – R for data processing and visualization of NEON
NEON Internship Program 2019 - 2020
Mentor for internship project to build R Shiny applications for various use cases
within the organization. Support of data acquisition from databases and APIs
and reformatting via LaTex for high-quality downloadable csvs and pdfs
Explore NEON Workshop: Virginia Commonwealth University Fall 2019
Instructor – Introduction to NEON, basics of getting and working with NEON data in R
NEON Summer Internship Program Summer 2019
Co-mentor for internship project “A Bug’s Life Changing a Plant’s Life:
Exploring the Relationship Between Gypsy Moths and Deciduous Broadleaf
Trees in Connection to Accumulated Growing Degree Days”. Support of data
analyses and visualizations, report generation, and R Shiny app deployment
Ecological Society of America Workshop: “Access and Work with NEON data Summer 2019
Instructor – R for data getting and processing NEON data
STROBE Science and Technology Center Data Carpentry Workshop Spring 2019
Ecological Society of America Workshop: “Working with Time Series in R using NEON Data” Summer 2017 Instructor – R for data processing and visualization of NEON temperature and plant phenology data
US Geological Survey (USGS) Data Carpentry Workshop Spring 2016
Instructor - R for data processing and visualization
Ecological Society of America “Big Data in R” Workshop Summer 2015
Instructor – R for spatial data processing and visualization of NEON remote sensing data
Software Carpentry Unicamp Workshop Summer 2015
Remote instructor – introduction to R for data processing and visualization
National Data Integrity Conference (NDIC) Data Carpentry Workshop Spring 2015
Instructor - R for data processing and visualization
NEON Summer Internship Program Summer 2014
Co-mentor for internship project “Exploring vascular plant and carabid beetle diversity across three different ecoclimatic
domains using NEON provisional data”. Support of data acquisition, processing, and analysis using R and writing/report generation.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Teaching Assistant
General Biology Lecture TA Spring 2011
Biometry Spring 2010 General Biology Clicker Software Manager Spring 2009
Insect Biology Lab Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010
Evolutionary Biology Lab Fall 2007, Spring 2008
General Biology Lab Fall 2006, Spring 2007
Guest Lectures
Ecology: Climate Impacts on Ecosystems (Co-taught with Liesl Erb) Spring 2011
Insect Biology: Photoreception in Insects Fall 2010
Insect Biology: Chemoreception in Insects Fall 2010
Biometry: Model Fitting Using Akaike’s Information Criteria Spring 2010
Insect Biology: The Bark Beetles Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2011
Evolutionary Biology: Coevolution Spring 2008
Insect Biology: Coevolution Fall 2008
Peer Review
Ecological Indicators Ecological Applications PLOS One
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Colorado, Boulder
Colloquium Committee: travel coordinator Fall 2012-Fall 2013
Graduate Student Mentor (tips and advice for first year graduate students) Fall 2010-Fall 2013
Graduate Computer Committee: Co-chair Spring 2012
Evolution Outreach Committee: Event organizer and presenter Spring 2008
Lab rep/activity coordinator: Crestview Elementary field trip to CU Boulder Spring 2012